Video HDV 16:9
French with Eng./ Ger. subtitles
12:30 min. 2011

HUBERTUS is a documentary about a man named Hubert, who is convinced that Malta was the core of the former Atlantean Empire.

He takes me along on a study trip to Maltese temple sites, prehistoric remains and energy-loaded places in Malta. He explains the energetic machine which Atlantis really was, and with the aid of ‘scientific intuition’, he talks about Atlantean society, its sex orgies, genetic manipulation and the creation of Homo Sapiens, the sleeping goddess and the great war between Atlanteans and Giants. The aim of Hubert’s research is to teach women today to behave like ‘real’ women, that is, like Atlantean women.

The drawing series “Atlantean Aphorisms” was created alongside the production of this video.

Stills of the video